Get Involved
There are many different ways to get involved at
Greater St. James Missionary Baptist Church.

The Willing Workers
This ministry provides spiritual encouragement, cheer and comfort to members that are sick and in distress. If you are interested in being a part of this ministry, please contact Sister Barbra Wheeler.

Card Ministry
We will extend recognition and support to our GSJMBC family during times of celebration, challenge and sorrow. The Card Ministry Team will serve Christ by sending cards to GSJMBC members and attendees in recognition and support to build each other up and to promote fellowship around Christ. Please contact Deaconess Grace Brown for additional information.

Transportation Ministry
The GSJMBC Transportation Ministry is an outreach ministry designed to provide a service to members of the church and visitors for Sunday School at 8:45 AM and the 10:00 AM worship service. For specific Christ centered activities transportation service will be provided, only as announced, from the church to the specific activity. All transportation needs should be coordinated through transportation coordinator Brother Tommy Adams.

Flower Committee
The Flower Committee supervise the securing and arranging of memorial and other flowers for the church services and, in consultation with the Pastor, distributes them to the sick, shut in, or others.

Scholarship Committee
The purpose of this ministry is to encourage GSJMBC students to pursue higher education, and support them financially and spiritually through the GSJMBC Scholarship Fund and College Care Package Program. Sister Edna Quick, Chairperson.

Missionary Ministry
The Missions ministry is the rubric for our church to provide outreach to persons in need of assistance. As a Missionary Baptist Church, our mandate is to practice Christian compassion and use our talents and resources to the glory of God. The Louvenia McDuffie Missionary Society Ministry meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. If you are interested in joining please contact: President Sister E.R. Green

Usher Ministry
Mission of the Usher ministry is to offer assistance to visitors and regular attendees by helping them to feel comfortable and welcomed. The Usher Ministry is a treasured servant in God’s plan. The first person a guest meets sets the tone for their experience. An usher has a very important role in helping others feel the love and care of Christ. The usher ministry meets the Tuesday night before the 3rd Sunday in each month. Anyone desiring to join the usher ministry please contact Sister Mary Alford, President.

Nurse's Aide Committee
The duties of the nurse aid are to provide comfort and support to members and visitors during; regular worship services, funerals, and special events. To be dressed in required uniform attire and ready to assist members and guests with comfort and first aid care in case of emergencies, until the arrival of medical professionals. Each member must be certified in adult and child infant CPR and complete a basic First Aid Training course from the American Red Cross.

Kitchen Ministry
The Kitchen Ministry will assist the church by working with staff or event committees to provide refreshments or meals prepared and served with volunteers who are adequately trained in areas including safety and sanitation. Those desiring to serve in this ministry must possess Spiritual gifts, skills and traits such as:
• Passion for serving and catering to others
• Excellent cooking skills
• Willingness to learn
• Ability to work well with others
• Ability to follow direction
• Customer-service minded
The contact person is Sister E.R. Green